2021 Robins Nest global child blue

RNGC is currently being rebuilt

Robin’s Nest Global C.H.I.L.D. is an Australian sponsorship charity helping vulnerable children by working with their impoverished villages in Kenya and India. In partnership with YOU we can achieve our purpose by providing funds for basic needs for a balanced upbringing such as clean water, nutritional food, medical care, spiritual development, sanitation, security, shelter, and career-based education aiming to preserve their self-worth and equality in a healthy and safe environment.

RNGC Admin – P.O. Box 146 Belmont NSW 2280, Australia
+61 400 665 938

ACN 164 793 266
ABN 36 164 793 266
Updated 10/11/2021

Terms of Service

Charitable Gifts and Donations

Thank you for choosing to donate to Robin’s Nest Global C.H.I.L.D Ltd. (RNGC). We are a registered charity with the ACNC Australian Charities Not-for-Profit Commission ACN 164 793 266 and ABN 36 164 793 266, have a registered business name and are a recognized Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1 organization. See our RNGC Ltd certification with a CLICK HERE. We appreciate your kind donation and partnership in our quest to help those less fortunate than ourselves who live in developing countries. By donating to RNGC you are agreeing to the referred policies due to the charitable nature of donations.

These pages outline our service commitment to you, in respect to our policies revolving around donations, privacy, refunds, responsibilities, contact information and automatic contribution arrangements made between RNGC and you. It likewise explains your rights and your responsibilities in relation to these arrangements and where you can go for help.

Donations to charities by nature are considered an unconditional voluntary gift entrusting the charity to do with the money as they see best. The word “charity” in Latin is “caritas” when translated into Greek is “Agape” meaning “unconditional love of all and persists regardless of circumstances.” The Wikipedia also defines Agape as “the highest form of love, charity” and “the love of God for man and of man for God”. According to the ATO, in order to claim a tax deduction for a donation to an endorsed DGR , a monetary donation must be over $2.00 and  made voluntarily. They explain it must truly be a gift or contribution, expecting nothing in return and not benefiting materially from the donation at all; except a small token may be accepted by the sponsor. For further information about acceptable types of tax-deductible gifts, please see the ATO web site at https://www.ato.gov.au/non-profit/gifts-and-fundraising/

 *Please read this document thoroughly. For further enquiries about your contribution, please contact our RNGC Financial Officer by emailing rngc.ausoffice@gmail.com.

Electronic Bank Transactions
If you choose to donate directly into our Robin’s Nest Global C.H.I.L.D. Ltd bank account at BSB 062806 and ACCOUNT 10482923 rather than this Pay Gateway platform, we will send you a tax receipt upon your request to robinsnestaus@gmail.com. Occasionally people prefer to remain anonymous, use an ID pseudonym or do not require a tax receipt. Otherwise email us the amount of funds donated, the date, your full name, and your return email address or if you have no email address, do include your street address to enable us to post your tax receipt to you directly. If you prefer to make your contributions by cheque or by money order, to save time and gain more efficiency to get more funds to the children, consider making contributions three, six, or even 12 months at a time, and make them out to Robin’s Nest Global C.H.I.L.D. Ltd. then post them to PO BOX 146 Belmont NSW 2280 Australia.

Payment Gateway Contributions
Making automatic financial contributions on this platform by credit card or direct debit is safe, quick, and cost-effective. This process saves us a considerable amount on merchant fees and administration leaving more funds left over to send overseas to help the children and their communities where the money is needed most. The amount is directly deposited to the RNGC account and does not go through our service provider’s account.

On this payment gateway, you can arrange to direct debit your bank account, at a frequency that suits you, for example, monthly, quarterly, biannually, or yearly. You can also use this platform for regular as well as one-off donations and pay by a debit or credit card (MasterCard, Visa & American Express).

Of course, any donation will help us in aid of our cause. Nevertheless of special note, it certainly allows us to work more effectively within our budget if when sponsoring a child, you consider setting up an automatic monthly recurring-payment either through your bank or directly on this platform so we can act confidently to move forward financially to meet the needs of the children.

Purpose of your donation
RNGC will always aim to honour the agreed purpose of any donation that you wrote down on the donation form. However, we need ultimate unconditional discretion to redirect the donation if the purpose has been served to be either passed over to further that project or the next similar need. For example, if you donated money to put toward a ‘clean water well’ and there are funds left over, then those funds would normally be used for related issues revolving around that project such as transportation to carry the water-pump to the required location or for containers to hold water for the community or put toward the next well that will be established. You can be sure your funds will be used responsibly where needed most.

Please direct all donation enquiries to RNGC, and not to our service provider SupporterHub. Make inquiries at least five (5) business days prior to the next scheduled drawing date. All communication addressed to us should include your Supporter ID number. All your personal information held by us will remain confidential, except for the information provided to our financial institution in order to start the drawing from your nominated account.

Our Commitment to You
In terms of the automatic contribution arrangement made between us and approved by you, our payment gateway service provider undertake to debit your nominated account for the agreed amount for your designated support of RNGC. The way it works is, when a customer enters their details – the payment gateway will ask them to authenticate these and, once they do, it will set up a regular donation in the page, where on their specified date, the system will charge their card or their bank account – as the case may be. The amount is directly deposited to our RNGC Ltd bank account. it does not go through the SupporterHub account.

Drawing Arrangements
The drawing under this automatic contribution arrangement for credit cards will occur on the dates you first specify on the payment gateway. You will receive a refund of the drawing amount if we cannot substantiate the reason.

Changes to the Arrangement
If you want to make any change to your drawing arrangements, contact us at least five business days prior to the next due drawing date. Changes may include deferring the drawing; altering the schedule; stopping an individual debit; suspending the automatic contribution; change of account details or cancelling the automatic contribution completely.

Refund Policy

Refund Policy
Due to the nature of charitable giving, refunds will be returned at the discretion of our RNGC directors and reviewed on an individual basis. All donations are gifts made voluntarily to RNGC Ltd registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for profits Commission and endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a tax concession charity and deductible gift recipient with no conditions. Donors will receive a tax receipt from such service agents like SupporterHub or our PayPal Giving Fund at the time of the donation. If RNGC refunds a donation the associated tax receipt is no longer valid so it should be securely destroyed. Please note it is your responsibility to give only correct receipts to the Australian Tax Office and notify them of any changes to your donation or contribution.

Due to the ATO’s restrictions and processes revolving around donations that RNGC receives, and because Robins Nest Global C.H.I.L.D. is a charity who regularly remits funds overseas to international programs, we are under no obligation to offer refunds. None-the-less, decisions on refunds will be at the discretion of the RNGC Australia’s management.

Please make sure that the amount you enter is the amount you wish to give. In case of an incorrect amount being entered, or if the donation is made accidentally or, if there is any other extremely unusual circumstance, please contact us in writing within 24 hours so we can act quickly on your behalf so others will not be affected. We will review your request as soon as possible and you can expect a response within five working days. If you receive a refund from us, the associated tax receipt is no longer truthful (factual) so you must shred the receipt. Please note that once a donor receives a tax receipt rebate from the ATO, it is unlawful for us to refund any donation.

In cases where you suspect an unknown party defrauded (scammed) you, contact your bank at once and notify RNGC through email asap so that we may quickly warn our other supporters. We will then inform our secure service provider SupporterHub at once to take necessary precautions from their end. Your bank will report the incident to the police if they were able to collect from you any concrete evidence such as emails or letters of where the fraud originated. Banks normally could rebate your money if you have been able to give them emails and any other pertinent evidence revolving around the fraud. *Please note that it is your responsibility in cases of fraud to contact your bank first as it is the bank that investigate illegal activities of financial transactions.

Why is a prompt response needed to receive an approved refund?
It is imperative that you contact us within 24 hours, for any approved refunds as we normally send funds overseas at once for greater accountability and because we are a not-for-profit organization. Working quickly perfects our ability to maximize our help to children overseas. As part of safeguarding public money entrusted to us and since we are a not-for-profit organization, we require our overseas staff to spend the transferred money as soon as possible to ensure spending on the intended purpose of each month’s tightly pre-approved budget.

This quick turn-over of money-handling practice, is also to ensure we can collect all our overseas receipts giving less time to get lost and so your donation is not sitting around on the overseas premises for too long, giving more chances to be unassumingly pilfered, lost, or stolen. In fact, we also work closely with our bank managers in Kenya who pay our school fees, wages, grocery bill and medical expenses and our staff pay cash for necessary items such as food at the farmers markets, airtime, and transportation on the same day that our funds arrive in Kenya. Therefor we find that working quickly and efficiently like this gives us reassurance and accountability that our staff dispatch our partners’ funds for the intended purpose of our activities in the most responsible way possible.

Further reasons why it is difficult to retrieve funds once they have gone overseas is due to the nature of the citizens harsh lifestyle we support. Their life is typically so distraught, that there is a real possibility those available funds can mean whether a child survives or not. Furthermore, if school fees are not paid on time, our children can be sent home from school. It is unnatural according to their culture to refund the money once it is voluntarily handed over, especially to pay a school, hospital, rent, school uniforms, health insurance, water bill, grocery store and food or clothing in the markets. So, in fact once your funds leave this country to be spent in a developing country, it is unfortunately next to impossible for us to retrieve that money. Often in less than a week your funds could very well be on their way to making the needed difference on the other side of the earth and it is then out of our hands.

Additional reasons for it not being possible for charities to return your funds once gifted are because we could never ask a vulnerable child or an impoverished community for the money back, as due to incomprehensible needs, it would have already been spent and would be inhumane to ask for it back, as, the discouragement for a child or the village would be unbearable and damaging to their wellbeing thus counterproductive to our purpose. The request would also ruin the reputation of our local organization so that they may never be trusted nor welcome to help their children in the community again.

Refunding Costs
If our service provider SupporterHub cannot refund the money and the donation is from our bank, it is expensive for us to refund money as we need to pay our contracted accountant to do all the investigating and transferring any pending money back to the donor. All our books are audited, and we send our returns annually to the ATO and all donations must be recorded with a proper paper trail. In this case, we will need to ask you to help us out with those expenses as we are a small organization and even then, there may not be enough funds in our account. The amount of cost revolving a funds transfer can be up to or more than $70.00 depending on the complexity and how time consuming the issues take to resolve the rebate needed.

As you donate, we try to make it as easy as possible to save time for you by only asking for your email address at the time of your donation. If the email address has not been recorded correctly, or addresses are changed or something goes wrong with your transaction, we hope that you use other means for us to contact you like adding in your phone number or even postal address in case we must talk to you personally if something goes wrong with your refund or bank account details and so on.

Sponsorship Cancelation
Monthly sponsorship can be cancelled at any time. Sponsorships are normally non-refundable but if you have made an error in your membership selection or change your mind about joining RNGC, the responsibility is for you to contact us to stop your promised payments otherwise we may be assuming you are still sponsoring the child so it is draining our public funds unnecessarily where during that time, we could have been searching for another sponsor to cover those costs or helping another child.

We ask that you let us know at least 3 months prior to stopping any committed monthly sponsorship to give us time to adjust our monthly pre-approved budgets and to source another committed sponsor for your child, otherwise our charity will experience financial strain to keep your nominated project running or to keep that child in school, fed and given clean water.

Privacy Policy

Use and disclosure of personal information:
RNGC respects and appreciates the privacy of all individuals, companies and community organizations who donate money and/or goods in support of our work. Personal information gathered through donations is entered into a secured database for direct receipting and primarily for communication purposes between you and us.

Only under certain circumstances could your personal information be shown to bonded, certified and secure external service providers engaged by RNGC to fulfill their service obligations to the firm. IT service providers who aid in managing servers, platforms, research, and networks may need to access client data to support our servers, platforms, and networks. For example your personal contact and ID information may need to be integrated into an approved exterior system owned by an exterior provider to make this payment gateway convenient and available for you.

Where personal information is shown to a certified and approved external third party, RNGC Ltd always take steps to ensure that the external party treats such information confidentially and following the federal Privacy Act 1988. At no time do we approve the use of your data overseas except if you are fully aware or if we need to outsource certified bonded and reputable companies to do our work with us. If you suspect any misuse of your personal details entrusted to us, please let us know at once so we may team with you to rectify the situation. This will stop further misuse or mistakes quickly so that no other partners including RNGC Ltd will be adversely affected. We appreciate knowing if errors have been made so we may make the necessary adjustments. Normally even the use of a sponsor’s name is not disclosed to a sponsored child or Action Project. We use the generic word “Sponsor” for your protection and in case sponsors switch from time to time to avoid a child being hurt in any way as they get attached to the sponsors and read their letters over and over as they are sometimes the only hope they can hold on to for a brighter future.

We will keep your personal information protected, confidential and treated as ‘sensitive information’. Therefore we will never reveal, give, or sell your information that you have entrusted with us to any organization or person without your full knowledge and permission. RNGC takes assertive action to ensure your personal information is protected from unauthorised access, exposure, loss, misuse, disclosure, or alteration. We take measures to remove personal information when it is no longer needed from our data bases or if we have a need to de-identify or re-designate under certain circumstances like if a sponsor wants a newsletter but not a direct marketing appeal or prefers no correspondence whatsoever but prefers just to continue to give anonymously and so on.

Generally, you have no obligation to provide any information requested by us however, we may not be able to provide you with the necessities such as to sending you tax receipts or finalizing your transaction for your credit card, or to give you an update on how your money was spent, how it made a difference to people’s lives or to send you a prize or gift for a competition that we need your contact details for if you win. The Australian Government require us to maintain a complete, current, and accurate data base. For our accountability of the funds you donate, it is the best business practice for us to store all contact details in case we are audited and the ATO requests to know where the funds are from and need a complete paper trail. It also allows us to give you superior services in cases like when we are having a special Christmas event or a Child Christmas present appeal, or there has been any electronic errors in your transaction.

Access to your personal information:
If you need to update your personal information or have access to your personal information for any reason, please email RNGC bookkeeping to make those arrangements at rngc.ausoffice@gmail.com so we may help you to make the needed changes. Your personal details are your property, and we respect that. There may be times we will use your comments and reviews for the limited purpose of promoting our project in helping oppressed children and their communities.

Automated Analysis Systems:
From time to time, Automated Analysis Systems such as cookies may be used through technology by our service provider only for marketing purposes and are not used directly by RNGC.  If you notice a pop-up indicating that ‘Cookies’ are used on our Pay Gateway, you will always have an option to decline this option. Cookies in our case are anonymous and do not identify you. Please know that your name is never attached to the information upon collection and cannot take any info from your own hard drive, so it is a safe marketing tool to use. They are strictly used to collect data to improve their service performance for visitor traffic to their clients’ sites.  Cookies, automated systems, and algorithms are an effective way for our service provider to create new features and functionalities that will determine the success of the websites and marketing campaigns.  Automated systems also check for spam, malware, and illegal content. It can also help to organize related photos together and personalize ads for convenience for all parties. This process of collecting marketing data similarly helps RNGC to be better stewards with the donations that are gifted to us by determining our online effectiveness. The analysis normally takes place as content is sent, received, and stored but please remember that you can turn it off at any time in your Ads Settings, and you are free to not accept the invitations of cookie popups. In turn your voluntary participation helps us increase our personal service to you and keep our expenses low so we can get more money to the entitled children where it belongs.

Privacy Act:
Personal data that is given or obtained by RNGC, is handled sensitively, securely, and in accordance with the 13 The Australian Privacy Principles, the cornerstone of the privacy protection framework in the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). You may read a summary of the 13 Australian Privacy Principals with a CLICK HERE.

Donating to Robins Nest

Declining a donation
RNGC reserves ultimate discretion to decline a donation. There are significant reasons why we cannot accept a donation such as: if we suspect the source of the funds to be of suspicious, unsound, or unethical nature by our charities mandatory Counter-Terrorist Policy, or if we cannot honour the requirements that you need from us by accepting such a donation. For example, we cannot accept a donation if we are aware that we cannot keep that promise to ease such high or expensive demands or if there are stringent requirements for the use of the funds such that we may not be able to keep that promise in such a challenging and developing country. For example, if someone donated funds for a cow but we know we cannot pay for the maintenance or give proper care for such a gift or if the donor cannot pay for the maintenance of that cow, then we cannot accept the funds for that cow. In conclusion we cannot accept a donation if we do not have the necessary ability, time, energy, staff, or funds in the field to be accountable for your funds.

Tax Receipt:
You are meant to receive an emailed tax rebate receipt the moment you make any donation over $2.00 from our service provider. If you do not receive your entitled tax receipt, please contact us at once so that we may easily source and reactivate this.
If you kindly opt to pay for the transfer costs over-and-above your nominated donation, then we will issue a tax receipt for that added amount and please know that we are very thankful for your thoughtfulness which means we are not short on money for transaction fees or currency exchange differences from what we could have given to our needy children and their deprived communities. For example, if you donate $105.00 to cover let’s say transaction costs, then we will give you a tax receipt for $105.00.

Your commitment to us:
It is your responsibility to ensure that:

1. Your nominated account can accept direct debits (your financial institution can confirm this).
2. That you have given us your correct email, bank account or card information.
3. On the drawing date there are sufficient cleared funds in the nominated account.
4. You let us know within five working days and provide us the new banking details if your nominated account is transferred or closed (for ongoing contributions only).
5. If an automatic contribution item is returned to us unpaid by your financial institution due to insufficient funds, we will contact you for permission to re-submit this item.
6. If you are under 18 years of age, you have consent from your parent or guardian to make automatic financial contributions,
7. NB. We reserve the right to cancel your automatic contribution if two or more direct debits are returned to us unpaid by your financial institution. We will recommend that you arrange an alternative contribution method.
8. You agree to be contacted by RNGC by email, SMS, and text messaging by RNGC and third parties if relevant and direct marketing purposes regarding RNGC services only. You may unsubscribe at any time by contacting us at rngc.ausoffice@gmail.com or from our RNGC web site.